fun fun fun fun fun fun fun funeral.


i liked you better when you pissed sitting down
you liked me more when i was shy and boring
in the next room i can hear her snoring
while they tear down the building and erect
another in it’s place that looks like your face except
it lacks that look of shame and disgrace 
when the only advice they gave was to pray
i knew it had gone from bad to worse 
i remember when you were my soccer mom
carrying cigarettes for me in your purse
i hope in the end that i will be driving my own hearse
and that my casket is made of biodegradable plastic
concrete spoon
the sun at full bloom
an ambulance siren booming through the room
where she sleeps next to me snoring
as he lays awake trying to cry but not remembering 
so he makes little mouse sounds and squints his eyes
are not quite blue, not quite green but definitely not brown
i liked him better when he pissed sitting down 

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