fun fun fun fun fun fun fun funeral.


drinking kombucha and reading the kamasutra
feeling buzzed anticipating pleasures of the 

the rapper 

rapped a line that i will infinitely like:
“before i tell a lie, won’t tell you nothin’

is gonna change in this country that’s so deranged 
if those who can vote don’t show up for midterms
although in recent days i have learned 
that to be truly woke is to realize voting isn’t all
that it is cut out to be 

sure it’s a way to raise a voice
but do we truly have a choice? 
let’s just abolish or reform it all and watch it fall
to the ground and start anew with fresh hearts and minds

i am sure if the original authors of the bill of rights
were still around they would be astounded that as of now
with computers that type, something written with a feather
has hardly been revised or touched much

and most
of the time 

i try to remind my mind that this life is finite
compared to the infinite things i was promised like a lullaby 
as i said my prayers, as a child, at night-time
is the hardest

moment to not fall into the abyss of spoiled delights
and hours spent trying to express or name a feeling 
i will always remember with a word i always forget

it makes me sigh and i cry for all of the rape kits
that just wait and sit, untested 

listening to ‘lover’s spit’ by broken social scene
on repeat and feeling nostalgic and briefly relieved

repeating history seems to be where we are always

east to get my mind right, i’ll detox on the plane flight

with a nice 

fight attendant by my side offering me coffee and peanuts

i may be nuts but who isn’t these days? these days i pray 
for a good night’s sleep, my friends and family to be at peace, 
my sins to be forgiven, my prayers accepted 
and for you to speak to me again  

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