fun fun fun fun fun fun fun funeral.

wake up!

we poison ourselves in order to be pure
the mind needs bending to find the answer
often the sickness is in the cure
it’s grown, so much, like a cancer
it’s malignant- i am sure
as a kid i wanted to be a rapper- you, a dancer
nowadays we’ll settle for anything to make a dollar
oh, so demure! 
oh, black panther!
kiss me on the lips like you mean it
i wish to liberate you from yourself 
i wish you were in better health
you are well liquor posing as top shelf
and we do, indeed, poison ourselves with alcohol in order to be pure
we bend our minds with tonics and mixtures and pills to find the answer
the sickness, the disease, is mixed in with the antibiotic/the cure
we’ve fed it with carcinogens so it grows like a fucking cancer
no, no
we must fix the problem not the symptoms
no, no
the status quo fights the most before it dies, so much life in the last moments like 
how we are never as tired as when we are first waking up-
wake up!

each and every life matters

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