fun fun fun fun fun fun fun funeral.

thank you

Reluctant Recluse


A reluctant recluse glued 
to a television set screen 
blinking neon green 
advertisements advertising:

carpets clean, 
vacations on jet planes, 
fast cars, 
support for the lumbar, 
prime time opportunities 
to voyeuristically 
watch a real-life family 
breathe in virtual reality.

Holed up, 
stuck in this apartment building
far apart from any community

Staring at the ceiling
watching white paint drying,
slowly but surely dying.

Drinking hot tea, cold tea, 
eating unnecessarily-

Appetite shrinking, waistline growing
soon the weather will start snowing, 

Currently the wind is blowing 
outside of this looking glass.

Bus pass, Metro Card, 
busy bees, buzzing cars 
barreling down the Boulevard;

Locked up inside these molds
growing old becoming calloused and cold.

Holed up, 
like a soldier in a bunker 
remembering days younger, 
tasting a hunger for freedom,

An escape from the chains, 
from the activities, the obligations, 
the priorities, the promises previously 
made that become more and more mundane 
past the point of torture-

When’s the last time you witnessed nature 
at leisure, soaked up sun rays, 
heard children laugh and play, 
got your hands wet with clay 
on a potters wheel?-

No. Everyday it’s the same colour of gray, 
the same machines, the steel, the industry, 
the loud streets, the crowded alleys, 
these buildings scraping the sky

Until clouded eyes cry in pain 
tears of acid rain
that tumble down 
to the ground 

Through the atmosphere in sheets 
leaving droplets of toxic precipitation 
to further pollute this destitute situation;

Killing insects, life forms aquatic, 
reeking havoc costly with caustic steam 
searing nostril hair.

Dirty underwear resting in the gutter, 
how did they get there?

A bottle of used lube, 
a broken condom, dried spittle,
a pink Lifestyle package 
lying alongside two little 
pink children’s shoes-

Ink black and blue 
bleeds over the sheets 
of notebooks numerous 
from ball point and felt tip 
pens countless.

It gets harder and harder to barter: 
everything costs money green and unclean.

To die a martyr 
would be to live out a fantasy 
devout and devoid of an American 
Dream diseased-

At night do you even sleep?
do you weep?
Rather tired, most exhausted and hazy, 
are you kept awake by the sounds of train 
tires screeching in subway terminals-

Terminally ill, 
possessed by a memory you cannot kill
distressed by what you can’t see but only feel- 

Are these images imaginary or real?

The busses are in the depots,
the Churches, the Steeples, 
all these unhappy, un-shining people

Walking hurriedly to wait 
for stoplights to turn green,

To sit behind desks- dollar signs replacing irises,
trying not to fall into the arms of lethargy

Torn between torpidity 
and an artificial state of awake, 
that cocaine feeling of well being.

All these things have no meaning, do they?

Buying, selling, dealing, backstabbing
dollars and cents, cash, checks, change-

Paying for a way to break these restraints, 
wage a way out of your fate,
to break the blinding bindings 
of your enslavement. 

Feet smack the pavement 
not minding the cracks- 
your mother broke her back years ago 
carrying the weight of her past 
from farm to table, 

Milking the economy in this crazy stable 
for a source of stability, 

A sense of security in this society 
so confusing.

Are you abusing your privilege, 
using your lineage to the best of its advantage?

Mr. President sits behind his Government 
noble-like in an oval office 

Twiddling thumbs, picking at crumbs, 
dropping bombs very calmly 
upon crumbling civilizations 
he holds in his pale palms. 

Antithesis of Saint, opposite of savior,
dead ringer for embodied evil, 
nefarious incarnate, this incubus 
renders rainforests desolate, 
plentiful jungles bare- 

Do you ever wonder if he wonders 
if he is living a nightmare?

From that chair 
does the word fair 
ever pop into his mind, 

Behind his eyes, 
underneath his receding silver hair-line,
does he ever compare his air; 
liken his sentiment to the owner 
of a Goose Golden?

Trying to get rich 
at all costs filthy- 

Wrapping the noose 
snare around the neck of humanity.

The stain of Cain 
can be seen written on the widening 
walls of this penitentiary,

Bleeding down halls harrowing 
of the infirmary,

Echoing from below
through these laughing throats
swallowing irony and choking on hypocrisy.

Tyrants and Big Ten corporate conglomerates 
hide behind theology, social experiments, 
biased studies, and infinite idiosyncrasies

While fastidious Fascists sing 
obnoxiously announcing the ostentatious, 
ostensible truth of their theories ringing-

Can you hear the missiles launching, 
the explosions resonating, the fired shots 
sounding off?

Droves of clones 
scurry hurry across these blocks, 
shuffle down the uptown sidewalks caught 
up in the hustle and bustle of the city 
walking in and out of shops, consuming.

A heart is bleeding out in the woods 
acid tripping, munching mushrooms-

We found God in a dorm room, 
atop a tarnished spoon, 
and we put him in a box;

The future is seen lucidly 
at the peak of a hallucinogenic journey. 

Rub the stomach of a tea pot, 
a hash pipe, ask the Genie inside

If your first wish can be 
to not need a wish at all.

Guts drenched in alcohol, 
huts lit and ripped to shreds, 

A thousand brown heads entrenched 
in a crudely fashioned mass grave.

Definitely not brave- 

We are scared, 
we are scarred, 

Are we there yet?

They ask over and over again 
driving alongside Highway I-10 
towards a concept not a destination. 

Trapped inside, shut off behind 
the painted metal of an automobile-

Circumscribed by these bricks, 
this wood, in this tenement, 
on this street, in this neighbourhood

Sealed in safely 
from the crazed 
ordeal that is society. 

Anything can start resembling
a noose if you view it too closely-

....Reluctantly the recluse
turns off lights and closes blinds.

New York City 

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